Friday, May 10, 2024



His name was John,

a human like me.

He had a mom,

before the tragedy.

He didn't get to live,

like you and I.

When his mom chose,

to let him die.

In his mother's womb,

God formed each part.

There's flesh and blood,

and his beating heart.

Thou shall not kill,

it is God's command.

He created us all,

every woman and man.

Her name was Jane,

she had a mom too.

Woven in her mother's womb,

like me and you.

Jane's life was cut short,

her own mom let her die.

Even though God created her,

the scriptures don't lie.

God knew Jane,

and also the circumstance.

He had a plan,

so she deserved a chance.

My belief will not waver,

to what is true.

Because it's God's word,

you should believe it too.

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