Sunday, December 26, 2021



I write about Jesus and preach about him,

because that's who we need today.

For it is written in the bible,

that only through Jesus can man be saved.

I write about love and teach about love,

because that's what we need to do.

For God said to love everyone,

and that means me and you.

I write about Jesus and write about salvation,

because you need to know the truth.

For the end is near and if you choose Jesus,

it means eternal life for you.

I write about the bible and teach about it,

because that's what we need to hear.

For it's the book of books, the word of God,

that says salvation is near.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



The word came true, when the time was right.

When the shepherds saw the beautiful sight.

It's our Savior Jesus, who was born.

Who came down to us in the early morn.

It was that night that salvation had begun.

When God sent his only beloved Son.

He came down to save us from our sin.

We could see God's love through him.

He died on the cross for our sake.

So that our bondage of sin would break.

We celebrate that first Christmas day.

When our Savior Jesus came here to stay.

Friday, December 17, 2021



Up every Sunday, to church we go.

We come to serve, the God we know.

We're ready to worship when the service starts

We raise our hands, we open our hearts.

We hear the choir, they raise their voice.

With songs of praise and joyful noise.

The crowd joins in, we start to sing.

We proclaim our Lord, our Savior and King.

We sing more songs, we clap our hands.

We sing to the music from the worship band.

For we come together in one accord.

We show our devotion to our precious Lord.

We sit right down and hear the homily.

We hear the message that God loves me.

We end the service with a call to prayers.

We say it aloud to the God who cares.



Friday, December 10, 2021



Read the word of God, recite it every day.

Hear the words he said, trust in God today.

Then your faith believes what God said is true.

Your heart opens up to what God can do.

Faith believes the word that God speaks to you.

You put your trust in him, he'll help you through.

Hear the word of God, believe, speak and do.

Walk on this faith and live by it too.

Friday, December 3, 2021



I won't back down, when life looks grim.

I call on the Lord, I rely on him.

I have the bible, to read what he said.

It's the only way to know what lies ahead.

I won't back down, I know what I believe.

I pray to the Lord, there's help I'll receive.

The world may crumble, God is in control.

He's greater than all, he protects my soul.

I won't back down, Jesus is with me.

So it doesn't matter what I can't see.

I live by faith and obey God's command.

Therefore I know he has it all planned.