Saturday, June 20, 2020


It was the day before Father's Day.
Toby was excited, he was going to the
bookstore to buy his dad a book.
When he arrived, he saw the book on display.
"Oh Yes!" Toby shouted.
"I'm glad they didn't sell out before I came."
He rushed to the counter to pay for the book.
He pulled out his wallet 
and found his twenty dollar bill was missing.
"Oh NO!" Toby cried.
"What am I going to do now?" 
Toby left the store empty handed 
and pondered his next move.
Then Toby's eyes lit up.
"OH YES!" Toby shouted.
"I will borrow the money from my best friend."
Toby went up to his friend and shook his hand.
"I am so glad to see you." Toby proclaimed.
Buddy looked at his friend suspiciously.
"What do you need now?" Buddy asked.
Toby pleaded with his friend.
"Can I borrow twenty dollars?" Toby asked.
Buddy began to laugh.
"You still owe me money from last week."
"OH NO!" Toby wailed.
"What am I going to do now?"
Toby strolled  through  the neighborhood 
with his head hanging down
Suddenly, Toby spotted some money near a bush.
"Oh Yes!" Toby shouted.
"Now I can buy the book."
Toby scooped up the money
 and noticed it was wet.
"OH No!" Toby cried.
"What am I going to do now?"
Toby headed home and pondered his next move.
"Oh Yes!" Toby shouted.
"I will clean and dry the money."
Toby rushed back to the store 
and hoped they still had a copy.
He went up to the door
 and noticed a sign on the window.
"OH NO!" Toby wailed.
The next morning, Toby walked inside his Father's house.
"I am really sorry, I didn't get you a gift." Toby said.
His Father grabbed his son and gave him a big hug.
"Do you know what I like about this day?"
"his Father asked him."
Before Toby could answer, his dad whispered in his ear.
"Spending time with my own son," his Father added.
Tears went down Toby's face. 
"OH YES!" Toby cried.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Wild About The Bible

I'm wild about the bible,
I love to read God's book.
I find it very exciting,
every time I look.
So many great stories,
so much you can learn.
It was written for you,
in God's own word.
His word is powerful,
it can surely help you.
It contains many promises,
which are all true.
Memorize his truth,
keep it in your heart.
Read the bible daily,
it's a great way to start.
I'm wild about the bible,
I enjoy what I read.
I go through the pages,
and find what I need.
I search for a topic,
inside this holy book.
I pick out a verse,
and take a closer look.
I read about Jesus,
how he saved the lost.
It was a ultimate sacrifice,
that paid the cost.
I can rely on the bible,
and faithfully look ahead.
Because I live on the words,
that God had said.