Friday, August 4, 2023



We have a reason to live,

and a purpose to fulfill.

All part of God's plan,

to do God's will.

It's a role we're given,

whether large or small.

This is our time,

to give it our all.

So the things we do,

and the words we say.

We make it our goal,

to honor our Lord today.

So we begin each day,

we open up our heart.

We do everything in love,

let this be the start.

We have a purpose,

the bible makes it clear.

Even where we are,

God put us there.

The work we do,

is part of God's plan.

He has equipped us,

for the task on hand.

It's all by design,

this great opportunity.

To honor our Lord,

with our God given ability.

So now it's time,

we give it our best.

We do it for the Lord,

and we'll be blessed.

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