Saturday, February 26, 2022



God has a commandment and it involves everyone.

It's love thy neighbor and it's an important one.

It can be a stranger, it can be even a friend.

Share with God's people, give what you can.

Help those in need, do it with love.

Remember what you have, it came from God above.

Be humble and gentle and be patient too.

You should treat others, like God has treated you.

God has a commandment and it involves everyone.

It's love thy neighbor and it's an important one.

Start with a greeting and a smile on your face.

Show you are friendly, when you come to their place.

Be a cheerful giver and help one another.

Care for the widows and be kind to each other.

It's God's own word, it's easy to understand.

It's love thy neighbor and it's God's command.

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