Friday, August 30, 2024



Even though I failed,

I won't stop living.

Because moment like this,

is when I start praying.

With the help from God,

I won't give up.

Because of God's Word,

I know there's hope.

So when God said,

"he would never forsake."

I can rely on him,

for the promise he made.

God uses this moment,

to draw me closer.

He has a plan,

my life is not over.

So the end result,

I develop perseverance.

With the Lord's guidance,

I run with endurance.

I say with confidence,

I will not fail.

Because God will help me,

and I will prevail.  

Friday, August 23, 2024



It was a roller coaster life,

and I went for a ride.

With my best friend,

always at my side.

I lived those days,

like they would never end.

Because each day began,

there was my friend.

So I planned ahead,

what the future would be.

A time of happiness,

that we would see.

But tomorrow never came,

so my life wasn't the same.

But I can learn from this,

and I can make a change.

I turned to God,

and waited for something new.

Trust in his ways,

and what I should do.

So if tomorrow comes,

I will start early.

Include God in my plans,

and I will be ready.

Friday, August 16, 2024



I open up the bible,

and read it every day.

To renew my mind,

what God had to say.

It keeps me focused,

what I need to do.

To follow God's way,

and to please God too.

I open up the Bible,

and read another verse.

It tells me about God,

and how great he is.

I read about his love,

and his amazing grace.

He's a merciful God,

who's worthy of our praise.

I open up the Bible,

it's not just a book.

It's the Word of God,

it helps if I look.

It's better to know,

and always to obey.

It's important to read it,

I want to be saved.

Friday, August 9, 2024



A man with leprosy,

was healed back then.

You hear about it now,

miracles still happen.

A prayer will be answered,

just wait and see.

It's amazing what God does,

God even healed me.

A lady with cancer,

and now she's cured.

And this all happened,

because God is good.

Their baby was dying.

with a serious illness.

But suddenly she's healthy,

because God did this.

You may have heard,

people had witnessed.

A man can walk,

when before he was crippled.

The good news is,

miracles still happen.

God will do it again,

as he did back then. 

Friday, August 2, 2024



Today, I may not know,

if it's my last day.

But I do know,

God has the final say.

So my focus now,

what's in front of me.

In the presence of God,

so I am ready.

Today, I may not know,

what a day will bring.

But I do know,

the Lord knows everything.

Our God is sovereign,

over every living thing.

So I live by faith,

not what I see.

Today, I may not know,

what is God's plan.

But I do know,

he directs my path.

So whatever may happen,

whether good or bad.

Today, the Lord has made,

I'll rejoice and be glad.