Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hurry, Hurry

Toby bolted out the door and headed across the street.
He sped past Betty along the way.
"Hurry, Hurry!" Toby cried out.
"What's the rush?" Betty asked.
"It's going to be great." Toby proclaimed.
"There is a special event today."
"What is this special event?" Betty pleaded.
"No time to say, Toby said. "Come follow me"
Betty followed Toby through a playground.
They sped past Pete who stood nearby.
"What is the big rush?" Pete asked.
"Toby is off to see a special event." Betty replied.
"I am following him to find out what it is."
"Could it be the big Christmas parade tonight?" Pete asked.
"No, No," Toby shouted. "It's not a Christmas parade."
"Then, what is it? Pete asked again.
"No time to say," Toby called out. "Come follow me."
Pete and Betty followed Toby through the park.
They ran past Tiffany standing near a tree.
"Where are you going?" Tiffany asked.
"Toby is off to see a special event," Pete answered.
"We're coming along to find out what it is?"
"Is it a Christmas sale?" Tiffany asked.
"No, no," Toby cried out. "It's not a Christmas sale."
"Then, what is it?" Tiffany pleaded.
"No time to say," Toby said, "Come follow me."
Tiffany, Pete and Betty followed Toby across the field. 
Soon they passed Roger sitting on a park bench.
"What's the hurry?" Roger cried out.
"Toby is off to see a special event." Tiffany answered.
"We're following him to find out what it is."
"Are you going to see Santa at the mall?" Roger asked.
"No, no," Toby called out. "It's not Santa"
"Then, tell us what it is," Roger pleaded.
"No time to say," Toby replied. "Come follow me."
Toby led them to a huge display.
Roger, Tiffany, Pete and Betty stood nearby.
"Look!" Toby pointed up ahead. "There it is."
They stood in front of a brightly lit Nativity scene.
"This is the reason we celebrate this season." Toby proclaimed.
"It's Jesus birthday!"
"WOW!!!!!" They all exclaimed.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

LOVE not hate

It's LOVE and not hate that we need today.
It's LOVE that can help us on our way.
It's LOVE and not hate that cares for everyone.
It's LOVE that shows kindness to all and not one.
It's LOVE that can aid, someone in need of a hand.
It's LOVE that spreads joy and show you understand.
It's LOVE that gives comfort to a lonely heart.
It's LOVE that brings us together and not break apart. 
It's LOVE and not hate that we need today.
It's LOVE that can help us on our way.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

God created

This is the sky that God created.

This is the stars, that light up
the sky, that God created.

This is the sun, that shines 
through the day and divides it 
from the night, with the stars, 
that light up the sky, that 
God created.

This is the earth, that orbits
the sun, that shines through
the day and divides it from 
the night, with the stars, that
light up the sky, that God created.

This is the land, with flowers and trees, that fills the earth, that orbits the sun, that shines through the day and divides it
from the night, with the stars, that light up the sky,
that God created.

This is the waters, with fish and whale, that flows on the land, that fills the earth, that orbits the sun, that shines through the day and divides it from the night, with the stars, that light up the sky, that God created.

This is the animals, large and small, that lives on the land, surrounded by water, that flows on the earth, that orbits the sun, that shines through the day and divides it from the night, with the stars, that light up the sky, 
that God created.

This is the men and women that
take care of the animals that live
on the land surrounded by water
that flows on the earth that orbits
the sun that shines through the day
and divides it from the night 
with the stars that light up the sky
that God created.

This is the day the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Reading is ...................

READING is....Adventurous
by Andrea Beck

by David Doubilet

by Henry Porada

by Marilyn Singer

by Emma Dodd

by Henry Porada

by Kevin O' Malley

by Andy Andrews

by Peter Reynolds

by Patricia Polacco

Sunday, October 30, 2016


I saw a monster come in,
on this spooky night.
Then a mummy entered,
it was a frightful sight.
A ghost suddenly appeared,
it was a scary scene.
Then Frankenstein showed up,
he looked rather mean.
Even a witch flew in,
with a haunting voice.
A skeleton dropped by,
he made a dreadful noise.
A hairy goblin stepped in,
I wanted to scream.
 I noticed a vampire walk in,
 this had to be a dream.
After all this confusion,
I came to this conclusion.
They are not scary,
they are dressed for Halloween.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tell Me A Joke

Henry: Can I tell you a joke?
Pete: Only if you are a tenor.
Henry: A tenor?
Pete: Yes, ten or eleven feet away.
Henry: Ha ha ha

Henry: Can I please tell you a joke?
Pete: Only if you go solo.
Henry: Solo?
Pete: Yeah, so low that I can't hear you.
Henry: You are so funny

Henry: I just figured out just how the sun rises.
Pete: How did you figure it out?
Henry: Finally, it dawned on me.
Pete: Ha ha, so you're trying to be a comedian. 

Henry: "I went to see the doctor about my memory problem?"
Pete: How did it go?
Henry: "He made me pay in advance!"
Pete: Hmmm....

Henry: " Do you know mime's favorite color?"

Pete: No, what is his favorite color"
Henry:  "I don't know, either, he won't tell me."
Pete: Was I supposed to laugh?

Henry: "Do you know why I brought a ladder to school?"
Pete: "I have no idea."
Henry:  "My music teacher told me to sing higher."
Pete: "Keep trying." 

Henry: "Do you know why I brought a light bulb to school?"
Pete: "You got me stumped."
Henry: "I had a bright idea."

Pete: I like your last joke.
Henry: You really liked my last joke?
Pete: Yeah, because it was your last one.
Henry: Ha ha, funny. You should try to be a comedian.
Pete: I could try but I might be as bad as you are.
Henry: You remind me of Brad Pitt.
Pete: Brad Pitt, he's not a comedian.
Henry: Now, you know why I don't laugh at your jokes.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Kind and considerate you were to me.
Reaching out to help me in everything.
It was through your thoughtful ways,
Shown through your smile that brighten my days.
Through the years you showed how much you cared.
Eternally grateful for the times you were there.
Never will I forget the good times we shared.

Knowing now that time has passed us by.
Etched in my mind are those happy times.
Remember all the places we went  to.
Remember all the fun things we use to do.
I'll always cherish those times I spent with you.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Happy Birthday

We're throwing a party,
it's going to be great.
Your friends are here,
it's time to celebrate.
Bring out the cake,
and grab the drinks too.
Let's begin this party,
by singing to you.
We light up the candles,
and let out a big shout.
All the candles are lit,
can you blow them out.
Slice up the cake,
it's a chocolate treat.
Bring out those plates,
let's start to eat.
The party is not over,
there's so much to do.
We have a surprise,
there's something new.
You have greeting cards,
so plenty to see.
There's also some presents,
what could it be.
With music and laughter,
and some games too.
Let's enjoy all this fun,
this party is for you.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Lost & Found

Billy was on his way to class,
when he accidentally dropped
his ten dollar bill.
Mr. Z, a teacher walked down the hallway
and noticed the ten dollars on the floor.
He picked up the bill and placed it
on the desk at the lost and found room.
Joey walked inside the lost and found room,
and spotted the ten dollars on the desk.
He grabbed the money and handed it to
Marty in exchange for his set of comic books.
Marty trekked over to Randy's house and handed 
the ten dollars to his friend for his music CD.
Randy made his way to Jill's house and
handed her the ten dollars to pay off his debt.
Jill headed for the grocery store and
handed the owner ten dollars 
in exchange for a basket of apples.
The owner took a trip to Joey's house
and handed the young boy ten dollars
for filling the baskets with apples.
Joey raced back to the lost and found room
and placed the ten dollars on the desk.
Billy who lost his money, 
walked over to the lost and found room.
He drew a sigh of relief when he
found his lost ten dollars on the desk.  
All transactions are legit.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Let's visit the zoo

The alarm goes off and up comes the sun.
It's time to get ready, to have some fun.
You get out of bed and what do you do?
You go on a trip, to visit the zoo.
You go through the gate and what do you see?
The tiger is on the prowl and a lemur is on the tree.
You look at the elephant and the meerkats too.
See the black bear and the flamingos in view. 
Koalas are pretty cute and the baboon is on the go.
Sea lions are swimming and the turtles are slow.
You spy on the gator and the gorilla on the grass.
You stare at the snake and the fish behind the glass.
Zebra makes you dizzy and the rhinos sitting down.
Monkey is with a baby and the lion is wearing a frown.
You spot a wild leopard and the lizard on the ground.
You find a gray goat and the cougar is running around.
The cheetah goes fast and the jackals can run.
The pumas on the move and the otters having fun.
You follow the weasel and the big horn sheep.
You come across a fox and the pandas asleep.
Watch the penguins walk and all the birds fly.
Notice the kangaroo and the bats hanging high.
Hippos in the water and the giraffe is really tall.
Ostrich is eating and there's a pony in the stall.
You have seen all the animals, in your visit at the zoo.
We hope you had fun and learned something new.
It's time to go home, we'd love to see you again.
We hope you come back and bring along a friend.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

L is for Library

Let's read a book, it can be fun.
If only we can find the right one.
Books can be found, on a library shelf.
Read anything you like, pick one yourself.
All the books, that you can choose.
Really depends on what you can use.
You know, you got nothing to lose.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

What will I be ?

My grandpa was a preacher.
My grandma was a teacher.
My dad is a bookseller.
My mom is a storyteller.

My neighbor is a beautician.
My uncle is a technician.
My aunt is a physician.
My brother is a musician.

My cousin is a magician.
My nephew is a electrician.
My niece is a mathematician.
My friend is a pediatrician.

Since it's up to me.
What I want to be.
If I had to choose today.
I know what I would say.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Ode to Writers

Today, I set myself a goal.
I'll craft the words that will show.
I created a story that's engaging and fun.
You'll enjoy the characters, every single one.
I'll write about a funny new tale.
It's about a lovable talking whale.
I'll add in a silly white goose.
And I'll write like I'm Dr. Seuss.
But suddenly, I have bad luck.
My mind goes blank and I'm stuck.
Now I am in a state of shock.
I got a case of writer's block.
No problem, I'm going to still write.
I won't stop, until I got it right.
I'll use words that'll dazzle their mind.
And put the main character in a bind.
Now it's finally over, my story is complete.
I'm jumping for joy, this is a huge feat.
I'm finally finished and I feel great.
And not once, did I procrastinate.